How to dress to make look bigger your back side

Needless to deny it but it is always about the back side, whether you are hapoy for a win or fortunately if you find you free from your thief / diabolical enemy or if you want to APPEAR IN BIG shape and STYLE! The curvy woman has always piqued her charm, from Monica Bellucci, Kim Kardashian Jennifer Lopez or Beyonce, women admire other women that have a nice back side, the l vulgarity 'EXCLUDED.
Many women are genetically predisposed, while others to see it larger would not hesitate to hormone treatments, cosmetic surgery, fillings or twisting exercises buttocks, but as image consultant and personal shopper I have "the power" to work on your wardrobe because I think the solution lies in choosing the look and you'll notice right away that to enhance your back has never been easier.
Your back side looks bigger if you wear heels:
A stiletto blows slender legs, raising the full length, arching the back to your back side so as to allow to position there where it belongs, allowing a more harmonious geometry of the female shape. For maximum enhancement, wear heels that are at least 2 ½ cm high. The higher the heel, the more it will affect the posture. A further advantage of the heels worn that if they make you will even show slimmer legs and in turn your lower back will seem bigger.
The selection of pants for a big back:
One of the first things I look at in my image consulting's section is what you wear / covers around the waist. Drawings, prints, applications ... highlight your waist by diverting the attention of the eye from the backside, please pay special attention to the horizontal lines while adding volume in significant ways the waist will make you appear smaller than the back. No less important are the back pockets that draw the attention to your back side, so it can be a critical factor that must be improved.
Yes if you wear pockets with embellishments or flaps. This helps to add value on the backside. The pockets that are placed in high give a raised look.
No if you wear too low pockets because they give to your back a droopy appearance. Never wear high-waisted pants without back pockets. If you have a back dish, this will create an effect, which I like to call affectionately, "pancake" and that it is certainly not flattering.
The choice of a dress and skirt for a curvy back.
During my personal shopping I advise often to choose dresses and skirts that hug the curves rather than hide them.
Yes Fit dresses to enhance your back side that are ideal for large aspect that we want to achieve, then if the whole model will be slim-fit they are going to enhance your breast for an added bonus. The trumpet skirts is ideal for enhancing the curves because they fit on the sides with an elegant flare at the bottom. Skirts that flare from the model on the flanks. My advice is to opt for skirts that widen the hips and not on the waist, this will add volume in the detail that you need. The shorter the skirt, the more the eye is drawn on your back.
No skirts too short to not fall into vulgarity.
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