Is Donald Trump the worst President ever dressed?

The dress code of all men of power is for the personal branding among the topics that excite me always as a wardrobe consultant and I would be really good to give him some good advice. During the election cycles, I can only think about whenever the need to shuffle a wardrobe that would merit candidates, despite the inherent constraints tailoring of American policy and not only that, it involves a lot of blue, gray, white and splashes of red, I think firmly believe there is much more space for elegance without being too flashy.
Men of power tend to keep their wardrobe very simple and slender, they are committed or commit them to make careful sartorial choices that force us to notice the man, not the clothes. Occasionally the pinstripe, plaid avoid de poule and "drawings". They dress mostly with soft solids in various shades of blue, gray and perfect grooming. Shoes? Simple, timeless and well carried out mostly black, rarely brown.
There is always a good or mediocre image consultant in their entourage because a power man has no time to think about how should / what to wear. He can not be bothered with whether or not the clutch goes with a certain tie, he needs to reach its also cloakroom "blindfolded" with the certainty of a strict dress code. Unfortunately, the best modern example of a perfectly American political and appropriately dress is fantasy.
As an image consultant I do not think Donald Trump is the worst dressed President, but probably his entourage does not believe "that a life spent in the public eye tends to require a semblance of taste in clothes."
For the persuasive power of color in clothing the choice of the red tie for Donald Trump is successful, it is certainly the color of his party, but it has certain effects and expresses dynamism, power and self-esteem. Red wants to express attention and strength. A criticism of the length of the Donald Trump tie too excessive, when it is good that the tie should end just above the belt. This helps to add the illusion of length of the legs. It 'also an ingenious trick to have a thinner trunk and long.
The Donald Trump Brioni suits appear to be signed and this gives Italian can only fill me with pride, but for Trump a bespoke suit would give him a better fit. The jackets have too many broad shoulders and tend to drag on the side making it look as if he had a hump.
The jacket is extremely long and this makes it look a few extra. The haute couture normally tends to widen the shoulders and to reduce the waist, the Trump clothes work instead for the opposite. Same goes for the pants that I find that too long ports, they should let it end in the middle of the shoe that would allow both comfort and an aesthetic victory.
If the choice of clothes could make you blush my tailor the choice of shirts nothing to say ... a choice of style, classic collar and cufflinks.
During his term, Obama was known for wearing one color so that he would not have to think about what to wear (a practice also adopted by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg to avoid fatigue for similar decisions).
But aside from the disaster occasionally worn during leisure time, Obama has maintained a sense of precision to measure with his clothes.
Trump has just won the highest office in America, and what will happen from here on out will be charming regardless of your political position. A suggestion will be to see if his time in the White House will change his style.