The classic men's dress, how to dress for success.

The elegance of the gentleman of style is a big element in the wardrobe of many men, if not of all. Unlike the women's clothing, which sets its clock to the season and launches its priorities for naughty designers, men need only to understand what works best for them.
Many gentlemen's of style fondly remember the rules learned of his father, it is because before the tailor was in the living room that his son was learning how to keep their shoes polished when the blazer was the right choice, the appropriate suit ... It was the tailor which followed the family for generations, where they learned to dress up for their daily activity and according to their physicality (tailor-made).
Over the generations, something has changed, men's fashion has begun to be "contaminated", they are now fathers who ask their children how to dress for trend / fashion.
As an image consultant and personal shopper I ride generations and fashions man supporter of the classic male and his excellent work for their dress for success. A suit is not a costume, not a piece of cloth which flows over her shoulders to stop the cold, or to avoid getting a reprimand by the employer. A suit serves to highlight their personality, to show their silhouette and style.
I am thrilled to share, whenever I am asked, my experience as an image consultant with the work of excellent teachers of the Italian tailors.
A well-made suit is not just a fashion statement, I always agree with those who say that the clothes should be seen as investment pieces. In my job I always say to all the men as they do research before buying a new car they should pay attention to the details of a suit, because it will remain in their wardrobe for an unlimited time.
The extraordinary beauty of wearing a tailored suit is that every model is created for each individual and the tailor made required by impressing his uniqueness.
The choice of the fabric is important because it will make a difference for your suit before the tailor will take all the necessary steps to ensure that your dress fits like a glove. There is an important open communication at all stages of making your bespoke suit between you tailor and my image consultancy. My advice as an image consultant helps you to better understand how the suit should fall on your shoulders, waist and shoes.
That is the beauty of a bespoke suit: No need for further changes, it adapts perfectly to your body. All men understand how frustrating it is to have a suit that falls awkwardly on the body and on the arms, legs or trunk ... A little can change.
In my job as an image consultant the tailor made is particularly interesting for those with particular types of body. Tall men do not have problems with short sleeves or pants that do not fit. However some men may have tailor made clothes to make them look slimmer and more attractive.
Two or three buttons? Double-breasted or single one? Everything may depend on current styles at the time of purchase, but to not follow the fashion trends is never a lack of style and then you opt for a classic suit. That is the beauty of a bespoke suit: No need for further changes, it adapts perfectly to your body. All men understand how frustrating it is to have a dress that falls awkwardly on the body and on the arms, legs or trunk ... little change.
In my work as an image consultant to customize the feel is particularly interesting for those with particular types of body. Tall men do not have problems with short sleeves or pants that do not fit. Some men, however, may have made clothes to make them look slimmer and more attractive.
Two or three buttons? Double-breasted or single? Everything may depend on current styles at the time of purchase, but do not follow fashion trends is never a lack of style and then you opt for a classic suit.
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