So much joy and taste that makes you smile!

Silk Gift Milan belives to have you given so sweetness from the blog "Silkbaby", but if it is true too when you explore the childhood's world everything is natural and the success of a Baby Shower Party made in Italy by Silk Gift Milan also depends on how you manage to get inside the shimmer of a wonderful magic of colors, sweet and heat! Silk Gift Milan keeps on with its Baby Shower Party, it has to realize this wonderful magic with only its passion.
In every Baby Shower Party there is Her Majesty Diaper Cake, as framed by the overwhelming joy of its decoration and all the sweetness of the sublime Baby Shower cake, a cake so special to be accompanied by funny and little cupcakes, treats that make everyone smile.
Silk Gift Milan has notable collaborations with the best backery shops in Milan and elsewhere, where the skilled hands of master pastry chefs can make any request to realize the Baby Shower Party. Silk Gift Milan checks up every ingredient of its sweets because they are natural and do not contain anything that could harm the health of the mother and her future new born!