Pregnancy in heels.

Silk Gift Milan always likes to say that every pregnant woman is fashion. We give advise as image consultant to all pregnant women and there is no woman, accustomed to walk in heels that she's happy to let them for the period of pregnancy, because to wear heels is always a declaration of fashion. You may have seen Kate Middleton, Victoria Beckham or Jessica Alba wearing high heels during their pregnancy for the sake of keeping up appearances and experts say there is no medical reason that prevents pregnant women to wear high heels, but with the passing of time that it is usually from the second / third month and in any event when the feet start to swell because of the extra weight and aching body parts, which made it uncomfortable to walk, even for the most followers fashion victims. Choosing the right shoes is important in relation to your balance / posture because now with the rise of the tummy the center of gravity of the body moves forward. Use with caution heels only for a few months, but you can let heels like sandals if you are aware that they can cause you to fall. But waiting to show off your heels, you can always opt for shoes with heels so-called "moderates", under two inches tall.
Your great appeal and balance can be continued to safeguard using the heels that have a good broad-based to allow stability, as some models of wedges. If the time of desperation takes the upper hand on your "height" you can always ask your husband to go out under his arm and take advantage of the short time of a walk.
Christina Aguilera said after her pregnancy: "I've always been very good with my heels. Even pregnant, I could fit heels "... a real fashion statement and a style for a star.