1. Baby Shower Party's Etiquette

Silk Gift Milan has decided to give some tips thanks to the blog "Silkbaby" after many requests for information about the Baby Shower Party. It is very important to clarify that the Baby Shower Party is not linked to any religion and as a result it can be applied to most cultures.
Any changes to your inquiries will be answered by Silk Gift Milan because it is its pleasure to help its clients. For Silk Gift Milan the etiquette is always an important form of respect!
How much time does it take for the performance of the Baby Shower Party?
The Baby Shower Party lasts two hours that usually can include:
- Arrival of guests with greetings and comments for the the future mother.
- Offer of snacks and drinks.
- Playing (2-3 games). This helps visitors to know and it gives all the cheerful mood that is the spirit of the party..
- Serve :all the main dishes and / or desserts including Baby Shower Cake.
- All guests gather around the mother who opens all the gifts she has received ... near to her Majesty Diaper Cake!
- Greeting all the guests, usually after giving them a symbolic gift as a souvenir of the event!
However, The mother can add or remove steps based on her preferences, needs and budget that she established in advance.
Is better to celebrate the Baby Shower Party after the birth of the child?
There are good reasons to make the Baby Shower Party before the birth of the child, and there are good reasons to keep it after the birth. If it is done before the mother will receive all the gifts she needs for the baby and then an 'opportunity to support and love that so many moms need.
After the birth it is the chance for friends and family to meet the new born and congratulate with Mom and Dad.
Can Silk Gift Milan arrange the Baby Shower Party for a mother who is waiting for an adoption?
Surely! Adoption is a miracle for expectant parents and they need to be honored, loved and supported as much as others. A Baby Shower Party is the perfect way to celebrate an adoption.
Silk Gift Milan usually advices to wait a few weeks after the adoption for the party to let time for the first few weeks to spend together!
Can be a surprise The Baby Shower Party?
If you are sure that the mother would be thrilled for a Baby Shower Surprise Party, then it will be an opportunity for a lot of fun. If there is a risk that the idea can not be a pleasant surprise is better to avoid. The idea of organizing the Baby Shower Surprise Party is followed only if you know very well the new mother, and what she likes as colors and themes, moreover be sure to include all the people close to her in your planning - her mother, sister, neighbor of the house thanks to the help of someone else that can help you by giving more information about the expectant mother!
Who is invited at the Baby Shower Party? only women or is it possible to invite men?
It depends on what the future mother prefers to do. The Baby Shower Party is traditionally for women, men are banned, except for those who want to celebrate it with their husbands or partner to enjoy the Baby Shower Party with them.
Who should plan the Baby Shower Party?
In practice, anyone who wants to offer it to the future mother, but it is the father who entrusts the planning of the Baby Shower Party . This really helps to manage better the cost, work, stress, leaving the future mother the only fun without any problems!