Your personal brand is simply the best reflection of your semplicity.

I am just as you see me with my personality, my body, my eyes of different colors, the natural points of my face without Botox or different tricks..., my hairstyle ... and each day gives me the impression that I do. What are my weaknesses? They are many and I am proud and excited to have them because I face them with consciousness and a mathematical approach to personal branding rather than a scientific one and in the same way I relate with my clients. My consistency has always been a basic part of my personality/style of my class and of the job I do, I could never flaunt luxury and wealth even if I can appear "too much "and be credible in offering the personal branding to my customers as a so precious, unique and distinct aim. The real luxury that we grow in all of us is our SOUL.
What I say to my clients, "when you reorder your wardrobe and accessories, work with your natural attributes, rather than hold it against them ... it is a great way to create an amazing style".
I'm sure all of you will agree with me in recognizing the great Barbara Streisand, she did not try to hide her most memorable feature. She never touched her nose even if the money do not ever missed to do it, moreover it became a part of her mark, resulting by a personal branding impossible to forget so that she became universally known by all over the World for it too. Barbara Streisand has become a myth for some for her talent, but also the way she has established it because she accepted her unique facial features, her profile has become immediately recognizable. This is not to say that I am against the surgery, even if this may be your best route, why not; but never forget that your personal branding is simply the best reflection of authenticity of what you are and feel.
Fashion helps to give a positive impression, but the real power of personal branding is in the pride and confidence that you carry in your own look.
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