A weekend in the snow with your kids

Wednesday, 11 February, 2015
A weekend in the snow with your kids

One of the tips that a personal shopper and image consultant are required to give you it is how to pack. Whether you go with your children  at the mountains or by the seaside  in a  near, far, hot or cold  place there is always the question: how to prepare it.
How to organize a perfect suitcase for your child /children for a weekend in the snow?
It is not that a difficult enterprise with our help, especially if you have the fear of forgetting always something because nobody likes to arrive at the place of stay and spend money in  expensive shops ...
WHAT TO WEAR: For a weekend we always recommend to bring two outfits for each chillayers so you have the right combination to deal with the weather conditions that are impossible to predict. For the upper part we recommend thermal underwear , and a turtleneck with long sleeves. The ski pants should be waterproof  and manage to keep their legs well warm . The ski suit will be divided into two pieces   for all the younger kids to help you when you need to change them.An other trick  is to wear a light jacket and a waterproof one to be worn under the ski parka.
ACCESSORIES: Hat, scarf and gloves must be comfortable and at the same time will have to cover your child to avoid burns or frostbite.You should  always  carry extra hats and gloves because they are often lost. The earmuffs are beautiful, but the best cover  are the bands. Do not forget sunglasses that are useful not just on the ski slopes and bring your comfortable thermal socks and snow boots . Remember that your socks get wet and then it will be helpful to bring more than a pair . Do not forget the helmet that is a must have protective and safe
BEAUTY: The soft skin of your children must be protected by sunscreen and lip balm.
SKI EQUIPMENT: To Equip the whole family of ski equipment can be inconvenient due to space and weight of the baggage: so it is bette then to rent the whole at the place, without  making sure of the availability of renting the helmets for children.
EQUIPMENT TRAVEL: The stroller or baby backpack are among the first things to be loaded into the car, followed by a bag containing all you need for the kids including extra diapers.
DURING THE TRIP: Prepare for the long queu for children during the trip to reach the ski resorts. The waiting time can often a good time to take refreshment for your children with a fruit juice or an energy snack.
DOCUMENTS: For travelling  yiu need the  documents(tickets, brochures, reservations) we advice always to put them inside  the side pocket of your backpack to avoid wasting valuable time  for searching them.
As personal shopper baby we can take you through the shops that sell clothes and accessories for the ski not only for your children by trying  to combine  what you/them  like  with  the best quality  of each purchase.


To Surprise thanks to a gift will be a natural consequence.

Saturday, 20 December, 2014
To Surprise thanks to a gift will be a natural consequence.

The emotion of looking at a child' s eye  amazed by the joy  as he / she opens a gift is among the largest and true emotion that remains on Christmas! Silk Gift Milan has the heart of shopping for which it made a job, today recognized even beyond national borders but without putting it in any way aside by the emotional aspect. Whether big or small if you do not want to disappoint your loved one is always necessary to know the tastes of the person. As personal shopper baby you can organise a Baby Shower Party on Christmas or in any other occasion in fact Silk Gift Milan is often called to advise what is best suited to give surprises. For the success of a perfect gift there is first all the priceless desire to get it to those who receive the maximum satisfaction and if we talk about children we are sure to find out a smoothed way.

Each child has his / her wishes that deserve to be heard and answered, it is often nothing but the best spot of the moment to build on their ideas, but around each child a mom and dad are always a reference on their real tastes and styles. Silk Gift Milan always remembers that children's tastes is right that they are very weak and changeble because they have the age of discovering everything, but please leave the enthusiasm and joy for the gift received hard from Christmas to St. Stephen provided and  give them a chance to smile.

How can Silk Gift Milan help you on Christmas? Thanks to the services created for the mom and kids Silk Gift Milan can accompany you to through wonderful journey of pregnancy and during the child's growth including the Christmas gifts. And do not worry if you're in a money crisis, because the thought is really what counts! A beautiful poem or a song will delight your loved ones more than an expensive gift but not a guess one. You can also bet on a gift made with his /her own hands: to rediscover your inner creativity can be the beginning of a perfect gift.

Ideal Gifts for their age.

Monday, 15 December, 2014
Ideal Gifts for their age.

It is Christmas time and Milan welcomes you thanks to the happiness of the month of the Milanesity Christmas. If you are in Milan or you are going through this city you can not miss the many experiences that Silk Gift Milan provides for the little angels and their mothers. Silk Gift Milan still manages to reach you anywhere.

A personal shopper who can take care of your purchases in a period where time and money are limited it is an experience to be considered. Don' t you have time? What about choosing for our voucher it commits you only on the word.

Shopping with children especially at this time of the year is not exhausting, but an experience that can involve the whole family in the magic of Christmas. On the pages of our social we color by purple the Christmas 2014 because it is Silk Gift Milan's color, we present our gift cards as a gift that can be personalized and designed to surprise.

Christmas is for all children and especially for them it must be addressed most of the gifts underneath the tree. As personal shopper kids we know that it is not easy to think of a gift for those who are smaller than us, but if you start to plan the possible gifts right to their age everything becomes easier.



a. The most embarrassing are the gifts double so inquire about the intention before ,by asking  to mom and dad.

b. One idea that it is always right is to give them clothes, toys, food, and even diapers that are welcome ... anything that can help financially their families in the growth of their children.


. From 12 months to 24 months till 3 years. They love to think and use the mental simulation so great enigmas of the floor, illustrated books.

. From 6 to 8 years. Among the possible gifts, interactive toys, pearls 'kit, dolls and pelusche.

. From 9 to 11 years. An age where he /she can find any  gifts.

-Clothes that are often specify in their letter to Santa Clause,

-CD, DVD, MP3 players, video games


- Modelling and collections of pictures

- Table games for boys

- Books

. Teens and tweens are on the same level (9-11 years). Boys tend to want more gifts related to their favorite sport, while girls tend to appreciate more gifts related to the fashion world; of course there are always differences . If you are going to give away a ticket to the concert of their favorite idol remember before getting it to have the parents' approval.



Giving clothes is always a good idea, but it is useful to inquire about the style of the boy / girl.

Ask for the receipt of the gift to give to their parents, if they wish to change the gift.

Kids Street Style Autumn-Winter 2014-15

Tuesday, 28 October, 2014
Kids Street Style Autumn-Winter 2014-15

It is amazing the kids fashion street style on this Fall! Silk Gift Milan expects great complicity with the strong colors of the trend fashion baby on Fall 2014 catwalk and town' s pastel colors for the occasion! From baby fashion shows on  Autumn / Winter  2014-15, followed by Silk Gift Milan, it is evident the presence  for the strong colors such  as pink, fucsia, green and red , but also blue, gray and ivory and ... now as professonist about shopping for children, after the approval of the experts, our expectations have not had to wait too much  for their  wardrobe, in spite of the unfavorable period for the economy  of many Italians.

Let's talk about fashion that it will continue to be a hot Fall of good things ... and not just by the meteorological sense, but for the colors of the dresses that are worn, the great attention to details and creativity, recognized by the made ​​in Italy!

The first question that moms during our advice for kids shopping ask us at the begging of the season, it is on what are the clothes's trends for not missing anything in the wardrobe of their children.

The answer of Silk Gift Milan: On this Autumn it is the time of shirts, velvet, sequins and Montgomery; these are a bouquet of must have, they are part of an extensive wardrobe of proposals!


The girls are ready to show their elegance, they can dress with the sophistication of embroidered tulle and organza skirts and as soon as the cold starts, you will see them glamorous shelter beginning with fashionable jackets and, in late winter with in eco fur coats, colorful duvets or animal style.

The boys, where the little men, they can not miss the much loved and practical jeans, if that will become trendy slim fit and shortened till the ankles. To complete the oufit their best to opt for plaid shirts, duffle coats, bomber college, nail faux leather with contrasting sleeves and sweaters.


In the kids shop of Milan have already arrived all the new trends for  this season, by calling  Silk Gift Milan we can help you to find  out the clothes who best dress and make your children happy, while for all the mothers there is the  enthusiasm to try a useful and convenient experience.

On vacation with a beautiful baby bump.

Wednesday, 30 July, 2014
On vacation with a beautiful baby bump.

Even during pregnancy is definitely not difficult to pass the test if it  is an image consultant by Silk Gift Milan to tell you, your good  image  on the beach will become certainty. Simply choose your swimsuit that best suits your silhouette and in addition to this advice, you can read that as a result, we are always extremely available to give you a consultation.

Silk Gift Milan begins by saying that it is always essential to choose swimwear comfortable, that can serve as support, ease of movement without constriction and never give up the enhance  of your beauty with fashion models.

As image consultant and personal shopper we know that most of the moms prefers to adopt without hesitation the choice of BATHING SUIT. The great advantages of this model is its flexibility in that in addition to supporting the growth of the belly is a real care for your back. On the Market models for moms who want to be glamorous if they are so wonderful as to change their mind even the most tenacious of the classic black at all costs!

The start system shows the adorable baby bump on the cover of major fashion magazines, the sweet beginning as a period where the beauty and sensuality of every woman is the best, while your big break may become the beach and do not be afraid because comparison with stars and starlets, you do your best without the need for any "tweaking".To all these mums BIKINI is a perfect choice. In the sun is essential to protect the stomach from the risk of burns, given the very sensitive part, with models from creative details and go to the beach just in the right hours. As an image consultant every woman wearing bikini has a look more flattering and it shows more lean.

The TANKINI, two pieces made ​​of panties and top is a middle ground between the first two choices and if compared to the one-piece swimsuit is another option that can decisively contribute to the support of your belly and back.

Silk Gift Milan is always advisable to consider the choice of accessories, regardless of the bathing suit you wear, because every opportunity is a real touch of style and fun in harmony with the beautiful season!

Every occasion such as personal shopping for swimwear for pregnant women, as for all the other clothes, is a fun and creative way to celebrate your pregnancy. The swimsuit for pregnancy is an essential for your wardrobe because you can continue to express your personality wherever the occasion occurs... in the pool, beach, boat, or where the use of the swimsuit will become the recommended dress-code!

Mums ....there is really a need of sales.

Friday, 4 July, 2014
Mums  ....there is really a need of sales.

We normally need sales, now that you are about to become a mom or because your wardrobe needs some extra attention because of small changes in your body's shape and then, you have already thought about your child? For him / her you really need more than ever the availability of foreign exchange and most beautiful items, but not overly expensive because they grow up very fast, but nothing is more carefree and easy to entrust your future balances, the professional's ask for a personal shopper and image consultant by Silk Gift Milan. We know where to take you to find out the dress, pants, t-shirt, suit, accessory ... what color and style that best enhance your physical shape. In Milan and the surrounding area there are the biggest and most important Brands for children and Silk Gift Milan does its practice as personal shopper there.

Whatever you want to, so you do not get the euphoria of the sales and therefore the risk of surprises for the current budget, we will  help you to get organized before to get prepared well to face this time with clear ideas ... According to Silk Gift Milan it is always advisable to write down a list of sales with all the clothes and accessories that will be useful to buy. You will need to commit some time to look or call us to make a wardrobe's planning , you'll immediately write a complete list of everything that you are missing. Have a look  into  fashion magazines or follow us through our fashion blog, we write numerous articles for major partners print and online through our Networks (Facebook, Google Plus, Linkedin, Twitter) so you'll have a clear idea of ​​what will be in fashion for the upcoming seasons , all useful information to guide you for sales for the colors and style to fit even after the summer time .

For many moms time for shopping at the moment is a dream that can be rewarded with the services of a personal shopper and image consultant on-demand by Silk Gift Milan. As image consultants we are never tired  to say that a new physical appearance does not mean to deserve attention, you can even take advantage of the sales to enhance your wardrobe up to the beautiful new look.

Your purchases may be limited to only the must-have for your wardrobe, saving further as: the little black dress, a pair of comfortable jeans, a white t-shirt and a comfortable pair of shoes.

As professional experts in personal shopping we always check anytime to their quality by evaluating the fabric and the cuts of the fabrics, check the seams, finishes and details. And remember that you can always change, however, even in this period!

The salestime is also an opportunity for some stores to get rid of the old collections of the dresses or defective, that means to  always pay attention when they have a greater percentage of discount  and if defective for an unwrapping it will not be difficult to adjust , but if they are stained or torn then it's better to buy more.

To complete a perfect deal never forget to evaluate it also by its composition (internal label), which corresponds to the truth, and the rightness of its new label with the  initial price, the discount and the final price.

Baby Shower Party Brazil's happiness.

Thursday, 19 June, 2014
Baby Shower Party Brazil's happiness.

Silk Gift Milan has never been so close in organizing the Baby Shower Party as now, in this period of the world cup of soccer in Brazil. Silk Gift Milan can arrange your next Baby Shower Party with the colors, flavors and music of Brazil ... a captivating theme with lots of fun as an added value to a party which alone is an expression of pure joy devoting to the future and the child and his /her mom. The theme of Brazil is a guarantee of fun for mom and her friends.

The music is an important aspect of Brazilian culture, the lively samba and a lot of fun is perfect for your "Baby Shower Party Brazil's happiness" which can be enriched with additional entertainment if she invites a dance teacher.

The Brazilian clothing has been made by its vibrant colors that is the expression of this land and for the occasion of the "Baby Shower Party Brazil's happiness" you can ask your friends to wear something that will be taken from it. Everything or almost is possible for Silk Gift Milan and if you want it with its creativity it can suggest simple solutions, easy to make.

Especially thanks to the live broadcasts of the World Cup is hardly recognizable the green, yellow and blue colors of the Brazil's flag  .... it is a combination enthusiastic and brilliant that the "Baby Shower Party  Brazil's happiness" can only bring a multitude of ideas for decorations. For example, a simple and effective idea by Silk Gift Milan is to replace some of your white bulbs with lamps lighting green, yellow and blue.

"Feel the joy, the notes of the samba and the sparkle of the bright colors to enter into your thoughts? Call us to experience a Baby Shower Party theme that will make you live in Brazil! "

Brazil is a destination with beautiful beaches, for your "Baby Shower Party Brazil's happiness" may be an opportunity to recreate the atmosphere, "without necessarily drink caipirinha". If you are not near a beach can be done by placing the buckets of sand, tropical plants and flowers around the area of the event to experience it.

Every service offered by Silk Gift Milan is tailor made according to the needs and desires of the clients and this is recognized also in organizing Baby Shower Party.

Pregnancy in heels.

Wednesday, 21 May, 2014
Pregnancy in heels.

Silk Gift Milan always likes to say that every pregnant woman is fashion. We give advise as image consultant to all pregnant women and there is no woman, accustomed to walk in heels that she's happy to let them for the period of pregnancy, because to wear heels is always a declaration of fashion. You may have seen Kate Middleton, Victoria Beckham or Jessica Alba wearing high heels during their pregnancy for the sake of keeping up appearances and experts say there is no medical reason that prevents pregnant women to wear high heels, but with the passing of time that it is usually from the second / third month and in any event when the feet start to swell because of the extra weight and aching body parts, which made it uncomfortable to walk, even for the most followers fashion victims. Choosing the right shoes is  important in relation to your balance / posture because now with the rise of the tummy the center of gravity  of the body moves forward. Use with caution heels only for a few months, but you can let  heels like  sandals  if you are aware that they  can cause you to  fall. But waiting to show off your heels, you can always opt for shoes with heels so-called "moderates", under two inches tall.

Your great appeal and balance can be continued to safeguard using the heels that have a good broad-based to allow stability, as some models of wedges. If the time of desperation takes the upper hand on your "height" you can always ask your husband to go out under his arm and take advantage of the short time of a walk.

Christina Aguilera said after her pregnancy: "I've always been very good with my heels. Even pregnant, I could fit heels "... a real fashion statement and a style for a star.

The personal shopper baby helps you to find out the kids' personal style.

Tuesday, 25 March, 2014
The personal shopper baby helps you to find out the kids' personal style.

This blog was created by the many situations that we observed for boys and girls in terms of style just walking around in the city. It is true that those who should be models for teenagers do not help, but despite of this a big plus can be given by making them to find out their personal style, starting from early childhood till when they start to be more independent. During the personal shopping  is not difficult to notice the personal style they are going to grow up through the colours, patterns and motifs that they prefer to. It is therefore important to give confidence and space for each child to engage with such natural affinities. The image consulting gives a sense of accomplishment for the adults and small one and give them time to get dressed (choose what to wear) has to become quite a game without having to rush out of the store or the door's house, they must  feel the same sense of accomplishment of the adults and  that will encourage them to develop creativity. Share time with your kids and just  show a few pages of a magazine / fashion book or a website  between a fairy tale and nursery rhyme can inspire them for a style's icon ... a small Trendy Amanda?!

Most children grow the awareness of how colours play a great value, be always ready to recognize and praise their achievements.

We all remember when in school we were taught the symmetry in the art, it's up to them sooner or later, so let them become an easy occasion to include the important balance and proportion in fashion. Silk Gift Milan has always believed that a kids' personal shopper should not have (and did not) as the only object the purchase, but  the most important element is to be aware of make a useful contribution in education of children, thanks to the help of the unique and irreplaceable mothers that teach their children to enhance  these activities and will help  to prepare the ground for  discussions. As image  consultants  make them understand how the colours complement with their skin  with pointing out the differences it  is the best way to address them later how to dress for the body 's proportions considering any form, where each defect should become a feature to flatter and never a problem to get around. It is right that a mother makes her decision on anything that is worn out of the house, but as long as the age and clothing permits let it be. The mothers are sometimes worried asking for advice about how to behave when they see their son or daughter badly dressed, Silk Gift Milan encourages to try to propose what do not match with their tastes and pride in what they wear. However it becomes even nice to look around to understand the trends and get involved with the style. As personal shoppers, we note that a girl or a boy aware of what is in fashion is often more comfortable in the social environment no matter if we like or not to follow the trend. To be kids' personal shopper & image consultants is a job just  like the style that is in each one of us.

Lingerie always comfortable, sexy and glamorous for pregnant women.

Saturday, 15 March, 2014

Women know the routine to get dressed every day and a main part of the daily activity is the certainty that their lingerie is always convenient and appropriate, even when they are about to experience the wonderful period of motherhood. The choice is important because of your new silhouettes you can continue to feel sexy and glamorous. As image consultant, I note that a piece of lingerie chosen correctly gives women a further confidence in their appearance, even when they are pregnant! What I  often advise during personal shopping is that one of the most beautiful gifts a man can give his partner is a beautiful and / or sexy lingerie , because  it reinforces the idea that your wife / girl-friend will always be attractive even when the belly starts to bloom. Since the start of pregnancy do not think, it is so difficult to keep on doing the much-loved shopping in the lingerie's boutique, and thanks to the Silk Gift Milan's advice nothing comfortable, sexy and glamorous will never be overlooked. Along with your body many habits or preferences must, for reasons of form, be modified and it will not be difficult to feel from the beginning the rolling up paints under the belly or to feel your bra too tight.

No problem!  ..... There are so beautiful underwear for pregnant women that give value to femininity and do not cost too much.

The choice of underpants has to grow with your belly up to opt for the band in order to sustain your belly and keep a certain aesthetic sense. They become a great support especially for the many women, who for reasons of work areforced to stand up for several hours.

The time to change your bra comes with the hassle of stuffing a real torture to hear or feel the underwear too close to your skin, and when the time comes to feed, now the largest producers of underwear have "evolved into creativity "for sexy and wonderful models that have an aesthetic value.

Not least in the intimate of pregnant women are the tights to avoid any little problem with your legs. Silk Gift Milan knows the discomfort in their endurance, but what I explain in my advice to all the mums is to think about the tights as the means that allows them to look slim -fit, even during the post-partum too.

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